Posts Tagged ‘nutrition’

Got to the gym today planning on doing a nice chest workout, and since I’m usually very pumped on Monday, I was feeling pretty excited. unfortunately as I walked onto the weight floor, I felt like I hit a wall. It wasnt that I felt week, just achy and unmotivated. I did a few exercises, bench, incline, a couple of free-weights, and still just wasnt feeling it. Just one of those days I suppose. I almost headed back to the locker room when it occurred to me to try a change of gears.

I jumped down and did a set of 15 burpees that really got the heart rate going. I did some quick lifting of low weights, an interval set. But I still wasnt feeling the lifting, so I decided that a short run might get me feeling good. As I reached the treadmills, I paused and nearly walked to the locker room, just going to call it a day and count it as a loss. I forced myself over that wall, landed on the other side with a grin on my face as I jumped on the treadmill. I just did a quick 9 minute mile but it felt pretty good.

Sometimes your body is telling you that it doesn’t want to do certain exercises. Today, my body did not want to lift too many weights. However, I saved my workout with some pretty strenuous burpee intervals and a nice run. The sweat was rolling and I felt accomplished. Not because I had the best workout, had lifted a ton of weight, or had the best run. I felt accomplished because I could have quit anytime and I didn’t. My plan was to lift hard. My body’s plan was to be achy, sore, and to lack motivation. I didn’t give in though.

Staying on course with training requires me to be flexible and creative. Rather than risk injury or frustration with pushing through my lifting workout, I called an audible and blasted some good cardio. We’ll see what tomorrow brings!!!

I’ll count it as a win and an obstacle beat!! 🙂

For about the past year I have had a shake six days a week for breakfast; I have had the following Whey Protein regiment: (all shakes are made with skim milk)

On workout days:
Two scoops of 100% Whey Isolate with eight ounces of milk. Sometimes I will add some non-fat yogurt and frozen fruit and blend it. Other times, I just shake it up in a shaker. I’ll also have some fruit with breakfast; banana, watermelon, peach, etc.

On non-workout or running days:
I have one scoop of Whey Protein, or 100% Whey Isolate, though the regular Whey is best for me when I run because it digests faster and doesn’t sit on my stomach when I’m running soon after eating.

I take Sundays off from my shakes for a mental health day and will have a couple bowls of cereal or something, keeping it light.

After a lift I also have a muscle milk. Not sure if this does anything, but I enjoy it. 🙂

I am also finishing my last week of Animal Cuts. I will place a review for this in another post.

Every day I also take a Men’s Sport multivitamin from GNC (I’ll also have a review for this later). Its affordable and seems to have the things I need in it. I do have to take it at night though since it seems to hurt my stomach some.

Other than that, I try to eat healthy most days. Though I don’t miss out on a meal that I enjoy or having a couple of beers now and again. It’s just being mindful and paying attention to what I eat. For about the past year, my weight has stayed consistent with my body fat dropping, my strength sky rocketing, and my physique really improving.